Penerapan Konsep Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTs) Pada Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester di Kelas IV MI Ma’arif 1 Jatisari

  • Dinar Syahputri Female
  • Nurhidayah Nurhidayah IAINU Kebumen
  • Nadia Raifah Nawa Kartika IAINU Kebumen


This study aims to describe the application the concept of Higher Order Thinking Skill
(HOTS) in the final assessment of the thematic learning semester even grade IV MI Ma'arif 1
Jatisari Academic Year 2021/2022. This approach uses a qualitative, the research design is
descriptive type of document analysis by analysis the final assesment of the thematic learning
semester even grade IV theme 6,7,8, and 9. Data collecting techniques used in the study are
observations, interviews, and documentation studies, while Data analysis techniques used
include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The result showed that
the HOTS assesment category in theme 6 was 7,5%, theme 7 was 17,5%, theme 8 and 9 was
only 5%, the four assesment had been made with various types of question, based on
problems or contextual situations, as for questions with multirepresentation of theme 6 is
7,5%, theme 7 is 10%, theme 8 is 5%, and theme 9 is 22,5%, while the HOTS assesment are
divergent, theme 6 is 15%, theme 7 is 10%, theme 8 is 5%, and theme 9 as much as 22,5%

How to Cite
Syahputri, D., Nurhidayah, N., & Kartika, N. (2022). Penerapan Konsep Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTs) Pada Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester di Kelas IV MI Ma’arif 1 Jatisari. Tarbi: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa, 1(3), 427-435.

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