Forex Online Tranding (FOT) Transaction Perspektif Fatwa DSN MUI Nomor 28/DSN-III/2002 Tentang Jual Beli Mata Uang (Al-Sharf)

  • muhammad achid nurseha IAINU Kebumen
  • Minatus Salamah IAINU Kebumen
  • Naeli Indahtul Munib IAINU Kebumen
  • Yuni Setiowati IAINU Kebumen
Keywords: Forex, Islamic Economics, MUI Fatwa


The world of trade in modern times is progressing very rapidly, one of which is foreign exchange trade arising from the international trade in goods or commodities between countries. The provisions for buying and selling currencies have been stated in the fatwa of the DSN MUI Number 28/DSN-MUI/III/2002 concerning the Sale and Purchase of Currency. The purpose of this study was to determine currency trading transactions (forex trading) and forex trading based on Islamic Economics, the fatwa of DSN MUI Number 28/DSN-III/2002 concerning Currency Trading. This research is a library research using descriptive method. The results show that forex trading transactions have fulfilled the elements of an agreement in Islamic economics, but in the DSN MUI fatwa Number 28/DSN-III/2002 concerning the Sale and Purchase of Currency, forex trading is not appropriate because forex trading transactions are carried out by speculating on the value of a currency. money, and the transaction is carried out not on the basis of the need for the transaction and is carried out in a non-cash manner.

How to Cite
nurseha, muhammad, Salamah, M., Munib, N., & Setiowati, Y. (2024). Forex Online Tranding (FOT) Transaction Perspektif Fatwa DSN MUI Nomor 28/DSN-III/2002 Tentang Jual Beli Mata Uang (Al-Sharf). Journal of Management, Economics, and Entrepreneur, 3(1), 147-168. Retrieved from