Perilaku Calon Pengantin dalam Pendaftaran Pernikahan

  • Muhammad Achid Nurseha IAINU KEBUMEN
  • Akhmad Riyadi Riyadi
Keywords: Marriage Registration, Marriage Registration Process, Marriage of the Bride and Groom


This research was motivated by the author's desire to know the behavior of prospective brides and grooms in marriage registration. This research focuses on several things that must be studied, namely: How is the marriage registration process? Do the prospective bride and groom register themselves or are they represented?

This type of research is qualitative research, in collecting data the researcher used observation, interviews and documentation methods. The data sources for this research are the KUA, namely the Head of KUA and Penghulu, prospective brides and grooms, and community leaders. Then the data that researchers collected was analyzed using several stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.

Results from research on the behavior of prospective brides and grooms in marriage registration. It was found that those registering prospective brides and grooms were mostly former P3Ns and village officials.

How to Cite
Nurseha, M., & Riyadi, A. (2024). Perilaku Calon Pengantin dalam Pendaftaran Pernikahan. AS-Syar’e. Jurnal Syari’ah Dan Hukum, 3(1), 23-40.