Peran Orang Tua dan Guru dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Hafalan Juz ‘Amma Siswa MI Ma’arif Ampih

  • Anjaly Qanitah Mahasiswa
  • Benny Kurniawan IAINU KEBUMEN
  • Bahrun Ali Murtopo IAINU KEBUMEN
Keywords: The Role of Parents and Teachers, Motivation, Memorizing Juz 'Amma


This study aims to determine the role of parents and teachers in increasing the motivation
to memorize Juz 'Amma grade IV students of MI Ma'arif Ampih Bulus Pesantren Kebumen.
This study uses a qualitative approach. The research instrument used was observation,
interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data
presentation, and draw conclusions. The results of the study are as follows (1) the role of
parents and teachers in increasing the motivation to memorize Juz 'Amma MI Ma'arif Ampih
(a) the role of parents and teachers as facilitators (b) the role of parents and teachers as
companions (c) the role of parents parents and teachers as motivators.

How to Cite
Qanitah, A., Kurniawan, B., & Murtopo, B. (2022). Peran Orang Tua dan Guru dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Hafalan Juz ‘Amma Siswa MI Ma’arif Ampih. Tarbi: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa, 1(3), 410-418.

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