Penerapan Etika Bisnis Islam dalam Pengelolaan Usaha Tambak Udang Desa Tanggulangin Kecamatan Klirong Kabupaten Kebumen
Shrimp farming is a promising business if it is managed properly. With good management, you will get maximum results. This study aims to determine how the management of shrimp ponds in Tanggulangin village and the appllication of Islamic business ethics in shrimp farming management in Tanggulangin village, Klirong district, Kebumen. The method used is descriptive qualitative research method, the data in this study were obtained from primary and secondary data. The data collection technique used is interview observation and documentation. The results of the research obtained from this study show that the process of managing shrimp ponds in Tanggulangin Village has 4 stages, namely planning, organizing, implementing and supervising. The process of managing shrimp ponds in Tanggulangin Village has not been fully maximized, especially at the stage of the implementation and supervision process where the preparation of farmers' pond land has not been maximized because there are still pond leaks that have an impact on the crop failure of rice farmers. That way the owner of the farm has not carried out maximum supervision. The application of Islamic business ethics that has been applied in business activities in the shrimp pond of Tanggulangin Village is the principle of tawhid, balance, responsibility and benefit. In the principle of free will, farmers have not fully applied, namely in the management of shrimp ponds in Tanggulangin Village in the process of preparing farmers' water using chemicals in the form of chlorine, this causes mudharat, which can damage the environment and kill marine life.