Penguatan Kewenangan Bawaslu dalam Penegakan Hukum Administrasi dan Pidana dalam Pilkada
UU No 7/2017 has made Bawaslu as the real controller institution, but it does not apply in UU No 10/2016. This regulation which organize national election in Indonesia has some weaknesess related Bawaslu duty. One of these weaknesess is about Bawaslu authority. The authority is only give recomendation to KPU related administrasion offence case done by election participant. It shows a back step if we compare with the Bawaslu authority in UU No 7/2017 that assign Bawaslu as proper "justice institution" that conduct administration offence hearing. Another weaknesess is related the time range in the process of handling suspected offence participant that only done in 5 days. It is shorter than UU no 7/2017 that can reach 14 days. Therefore, this papper will discuss more about ius constutuendun strengthening Bawaslu in the election as the crisis study of UU no 10/2016 which contains Bawaslu authority. In the conclusion, there are some steps to strengthening Bawaslu authority in the election. The first is authority equation Bawaslu in uu no 10/2016 and uu no 7/2017. The second is revising uu no 10/2016 in DPR/RI or judicial review to MK. The last is sentencing paradigm in region election must be equated with national election sentencing paradigm