Dakwah Pedalaman: Ustadz Nurhadi Dan Suku Togutil

  • Ela indah Dwi Syayekti UIN Sunan Kalijaga
  • Siti Mutiah Ali
Keywords: da'wah, Community Empowerment, Halmahera Outback Tribe



Da’wah has a very broad scope, and its activity is not limited to a particular group or area but must be comprehensive. The indigenous tribe has become one of the places that deserves attention because there is still a minimum of religious understanding. So from that the researchers want to know how to proclaim the ustadz Nurhadi on the inner tribe of Halmahera (suku Togutil). The method of research used is a qualitative descriptive method with field research. The results of this research is that ustad nurhadi is able to devote to the inner tribe of Halmahera not only to provide spiritual planning (religion), but also to empower the economy and improve the well-being of the Togutil tribe that is still lagging behind with modern society, also said that ustadz Nurhadi succeeded because it was able to invite the Pedalam Halmahera tribe (Togutil) to embrace the Muslim religion of 83 people. The success of this proclamation is due to the matured planning and coordination of the institutions as well as those organizations. In the future, it is hoped that this research will provide knowledge of how to preach in remote areas so that the preaching can succeed or run smoothly.



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How to Cite
Syayekti, E. indah, & Ali, S. (2024). Dakwah Pedalaman: Ustadz Nurhadi Dan Suku Togutil. Jurnal Selasar KPI : Referensi Media Komunikasi Dan Dakwah, 4(1), 16-29. https://doi.org/10.33507/selasar.v4i1.1773