Daya Ikat Perjanjian Jual Beli dalam Marketplace Shopee dengan Sistem Pembayaran Cash On Delivery (COD)

  • Akhmad Nurkholis IAINU Kebumen
  • Eka Arilia Nandasari Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen
Keywords: Sistem pembayaran COD, implementasi daya ikat



This study aims to analyze how binding the sale and purchase agreement contained in the Cash On Delivery (COD) payment system on the Shopee marketplace. This research is a library research (Library Research). Collecting research data by collecting information and data from libraries or sources from the internet related to the binding power of sale and purchase agreements contained in the Shopee marketplace with the Cash On Delivery (COD) payment system. The results of the analysis of the COD payment system where the payment system is made when the goods ordered have arrived at the buyer face to face and in cash. The system uses intermediaries, namely through couriers who deliver orders to the buyer's address. Analysis of the implementation of binding power in the COD payment system at Shopee that binding power lies at the end of the agreement, where the buyer has checked out the goods on the Shopee marketplace, meaning that the buyer has made an agreement on the goods ordered both in terms of characteristics, quantity, price and other specifications  
How to Cite
Nurkholis, A., & Nandasari, E. (2022). Daya Ikat Perjanjian Jual Beli dalam Marketplace Shopee dengan Sistem Pembayaran Cash On Delivery (COD). AS-Syar’e. Jurnal Syari’ah Dan Hukum, 1(1), 84-98.