Jaring Pengaman Sosial Bidang Pendidikan sebagai Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Sleman
The number of poor people in Sleman Regency for three consecutive years in 2018 is 92 thousand
people, in 2019 it is 90 thousand people, and in 2020 it is 100 thousand people. In 2019 it
decreased from the previous year, but in 2020 it experienced a significant increase, namely
around 10 thousand people. The poverty line for the last 3 consecutive years, in 2018 the
percentage of poor people was 7.65%, in 2019 the percentage was 7.41%, and in 2020 it increased
to 8.12%. Social safety net, hereinafter abbreviated as JPS, is unplanned social assistance in the
form of money given to residents of Sleman Regency with socio-economic status as poor and/or
vulnerable to poverty and neglect in Sleman Regency. The scope of the Social Safety Net covers
three areas, namely the health, education and social sectors. The social safety net in Sleman
Regency from 2017 to 2021 is running well. Every year, the budget provided for JPS is IDR 10
billion. In the education sector, there were the most submissions compared to other fields from
January 2019 to July 2020. This proves that the social safety net in the education sector is an
alternative for people in the Sleman Regency area who experience difficulties in meeting
education costs. Submission of the JPS budget in the education sector can be used to pay off
outstanding tuition fees, building fees, and pay off fees to be able to take diplomas. The hope is
that with better education, people who experience economic difficulties can organize their lives so
that they can improve their family's economy to be even better