Manajemen Pembinaan Akhlakul Karimah pada RA Guppi Pekauman Banjarnegara

  • Ika Nura Firmana IAINU Kebumen
  • Sulis Rokhmawanto IAINU Kebumen
  • Umi Arifah IAINU Kebumen
  • Agus Salim Chamidi IAINU Kebumen
Keywords: Management, Coaching, Akhlakul Karimah


The study was conducted to analyze management in the development of morality in RA GUPPI Pekauman, Madukara District, Banjarnegara Regency. The research method was carried out using a qualitative approach to the implementation of education at RA GUPPI Pekauman. The results of the study show that: 1) RA GUPPI Pekauman in planning the management of morality development involves all elements of both madrasas, stakeholders, communities and parents of students who are involved in determining the moral values ​​applied in madrasas contained in the rules; 2) Implementation of the management of moral development of RA GUPPI Pekauman is carried out in teaching and learning activities by integrating character values ​​and moral values ​​in each subject and implemented in extracurricular activities; 3) Evaluation of the management of the moral development of RA GUPPI Pekauman is carried out by making evaluation instruments, recording the achievement of indicators, and conducting analysis and follow-up.

How to Cite
Firmana, I., Rokhmawanto, S., Arifah, U., & Chamidi, A. (2022). Manajemen Pembinaan Akhlakul Karimah pada RA Guppi Pekauman Banjarnegara. An-Nidzam : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Dan Studi Islam, 9(1), 55-70.

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