Strategi Pengelolaan Gerakan Koin Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen (Gennuk) di Lazisnu Kabupaten Kebumen

  • tajudin subhi IAINU Kebumen
  • mukhsinun mukhsinun IAINU Kebumen
  • Aniesatun Nurul Aliefah IAINU Kebumen
Keywords: Strategy, Management, Gennuk


The purpose of this study was to answer the formulation of the problem in the research, namely the management strategy of the NU Kebumen Coin Movement (GENNUK) in LAZISNU Kebumen Regency and the obstacles faced by LAZISNU in the implementation of the NU Kebumen Coin Movement (GENNUK) This research is a qualitative research. The data collection technique used by the researcher was interview, observation, and documentation. The objects that are intended to seek information about GENNUK are the Core Management of LAZISNU, the Director of LAZISNU and the Employees of LAZISNU.The results of this study are the management strategy of the NU Kebumen Coin Movement is carried out by formulating SOPs, forming regional coordinators, conducting fundraising, clear bookkeeping, innovation and evaluation. In addition, the management of LAZISNU Kebumen is intensive in conducting socialization and technical guidance. The board also has plans in 2023 for the development of a digital-based system for the collection and reporting of GENNUK. The obstacles faced by LAZISNU in the implementation of GENNUK include: There is not a single mindset between the MWC management and LAZISNU so that the Kebumen NU Coin Movement program has not been able to run optimally. GENNUK is not mandatory, so the officer on duty puts his interests first before serving. Lack of understanding regarding the use of infaq and shodaqoh from branches. Lack of availability of cans to meet demand from MWC and Twigs

How to Cite
subhi, tajudin, mukhsinun, mukhsinun, & Aliefah, A. (2023). Strategi Pengelolaan Gerakan Koin Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen (Gennuk) di Lazisnu Kabupaten Kebumen. Journal of Management, Economics, and Entrepreneur, 1(2), 162-179. Retrieved from

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