Peranan Pos Bantuan Hukum (Posbakum) Pengadilan Negeri Kebumen Kelas I B Dalam Pendampingan Penyelesaian Perkara Pidana

  • Akhmad Nurkholis Nurkholis
  • Irkham Mubarok Mubarok


The State of Indonesia is a state of law, which recognizes and protects human rights for every individual including the right to legal assistance. The provision of legal assistance to citizens is a form of effort to fulfill and as an application of the rule of law that recognizes and protects as well as to guarantee citizens' human rights to the need for access to justice and equality before the law. The legal aid post (Posbakum) is a place for legal services for the community in the form of information, consultation, legal advice, and making the required legal documents. In this study, the author describes, explains and observes the data obtained from the analysis and interviews with the Posbakum at the Kebumen District Court. In carrying out its duties, the Kebumen District Court Post provides services including, assistance in filling out legal aid guideline forms, legal aid guideline assistance, advice, legal consultation and other legal assistance, referral to the chief justice for waiver of pekara fees in accordance with applicable conditions, referral to the chief justice to provide advocate services in accordance with applicable regulations. With the Posbakum, the community is greatly helped, especially the underprivileged community, because the servants provided are free/free. Posbakum will accompany justice seekers from the beginning of the examination until the end of the decision by the Panel of Judges.

How to Cite
Nurkholis, A., & Mubarok, I. (2024). Peranan Pos Bantuan Hukum (Posbakum) Pengadilan Negeri Kebumen Kelas I B Dalam Pendampingan Penyelesaian Perkara Pidana. AS-Syar’e. Jurnal Syari’ah Dan Hukum, 3(1), 1-11. Retrieved from