Efektivitas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Anggaran Dana Desa: Perspektif Ekonomi Islam di Desa Ambarwinangun Tahun 2022

  • Yuni Setiowati Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen
  • Mukhsinun Mukhsinun Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen
Keywords: Effectiveness, Community Empowerment, Dana Desa, Islamic Economics


Effectiveness is closely related to the achievement of an activity. An activity can be considered effective when it can have a significant impact on fulfilling the previously set goals. One of the purposes of using Dana Desa is community empowerment. Community empowerment here is intended as the process of developing the potential of each community to actively participate in development. The Islamic economic approach is used to analyze the effectiveness of Dana Desa budget utilization in accordance with Islamic economic principles such as justice and balance. Dana Desa budget in Ambarwinangun Village has been allocated for village governance, village development, community development, community empowerment, and disaster management. The distribution share to the community appears to be not in line with their needs, leading to inequality and imbalance. Therefore, the effectiveness in the utilization of the Village Fund cannot be considered effective.

How to Cite
Setiowati, Y., & Mukhsinun, M. (2023). Efektivitas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Anggaran Dana Desa: Perspektif Ekonomi Islam di Desa Ambarwinangun Tahun 2022. Journal of Management, Economics, and Entrepreneur, 2(2), 343-370. Retrieved from https://ejournal.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/maen/article/view/1858