Cakrawala Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dan studi sosial <p>Cakrawala Journal is a scientific journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Institute (IAINU) Kebumen. This journal focuses on the Islamic Education Management Study and Social Studies which is published twice a year.</p> en-US (Sukataman) (Siti Fatimah) Sat, 29 Jun 2024 14:42:24 +0700 OJS 60 Implementation of Reel as American Popular Culture for Improving Speaking Media <p>This research contains an analysis of the implementation of reels on Instagram as American Popular Culture as a medium for improving speaking. The purpose of this research is to determine the implementation process and impact of implementing reels on Instagram as American Popular Culture as a medium for improving speaking. This research uses a qualitative approach using the interview method. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling of students in the Speaking course. This research presents student perceptions about the implementation process and content as well as the impact of implementation. The results of this research, first are the process and content of implementing reels in learning. Second, the impact of implementing the reel is (a) expression and confidence in speaking (b) grammatical understanding in speaking (c) increasing pronunciation (d) vocabulary improvement.</p> Ade Christanty Yudha Bestari, Dinar Faiza, Meilina Haris Mayekti, Rosyid Dodiyanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 20:05:01 +0700 Exploration Of The Use Of Early Childhood Student Worksheets (LKS) Media Based On Multiple Intelligence <p>Learning media is a forum for educators in an educational institution to convey material that will be delivered to students. There are many learning media used by educators, one of which is the LKS used by teachers at RA Ulul Albab, but the LKS used by teachers -Teachers at RA Ulul Albab is the work of teachers at that institution. This research describes the process of preparing Multipe Intelligence-based worksheets with an independent curriculum at RA Ulul Albab, Kaliwates District, Jember Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach. This determination technique uses a purposive sampling technique. The data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses Miles and Huberman. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the preparation of Multiple Intelligence-based LKS can meet the achievement standards for children at RA Ulul Albab, and this is proven by the many institutions both in East Java Province and outside Java that use LKS that have been prepared by RA Ulul Albab teachers and the team. Another. The preparation of multiple intelligence-based LKS also combines the latest curriculum so that every year, there are updates to the LKS that have been prepared. The existence of LKS that have been prepared by RA Ulul Albab teachers is very helpful for teachers in the teaching and learning process; apart from the attractive appearance, the LKS contains more pictures than writing, so that students are interested in the LKS. Evaluation activities are always carried out by the LKS preparation team once a year so that the LKS prepared always follows the latest curriculum and is based on Multiple Intelligence in accordance with the vision and mission of RA Ulul Albab Jember.</p> Siti Novita Widayatul Hasanah BZ, Finadatul Wahidah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 19:29:54 +0700 Implementasi Kompetensi Manajerial Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Lamongan <p>The managerial implementation of the madrasah head is important in improving teacher performance.With good managerial skills, teacher performance is maximised and has an impact on the quality of graduates.The purpose of the study was to describe the implementation of the madrasah principal's managerial competence in improving teacher performance at MIN 2 Lamongan.The type of research is descriptive qualitative research,data collection techniques: observation,interviews,documentation. Research subjects: Head of Madrasah, Head of Curriculum, School Committee, Teachers, Students. The results showed:(1) In the managerial application, the madrasah head plans the needs of teachers, conducts the recruitment and selection process of teachers,conducts coaching and professional development of teachers, and provides welfare for teachers at MIN 2 Lamongan;(2)Teacher performance at MIN 2 Lamongan has been running optimally, teachers make lesson plans and syllabus; implementing learning creatively according to the material and character of students,conducting assessments and following up on learning outcomes, teachers actively develop themselves into professional teachers by attending workshops and training;(3)The managerial implementation of the madrasah head in improving teacher performance is carried out by dividing job desks according to teacher qualifications, the madrasah head conducts PKG every 6 months;(4)Supporting factors:&nbsp; managerial skills, supportive environment, teacher dedication, inhibiting factors: funds, miss communication.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Urfa Nailatus Sa'diyah, Mukhlishah Mukhlishah, Niā€™matus Sholihah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 09:50:57 +0700 Manajemen Pembelajaran Pondok Pesantren Ash-Shiddiqiyyah dan Al-Hidayat Berjan <p>Learning Management at the Ash-Shiddiqiyyah and Al-Hidayat Berjan Islamic Boarding Schools, Gebang District, Purworejo Regency. This research aims to determine the uniqueness of education management in two Islamic boarding schools that have different teachers, but carry out activities together, even though in general different Islamic boarding schools will hold their own learning. In this research, the author used a qualitative method with a field research approach. The data analysis used is using interactive model analysis from Miles and Huberman with data reduction, data presentation and providing conclusions. The results of this research are that these two Islamic boarding schools are two different and independent Islamic boarding schools, it's just that in implementing learning, they still do it together, this is because these two Islamic boarding schools complement each other, Al-Hidayat does not accept male students and Ash-Shiddiqiyyah does not accept female students so it allows them to walk together. Planning, implementation and evaluation are carried out jointly, although at Al-hidayat Islamic Boarding School there are several activities that are carried out independently, apart from that, Al-Hidayat Islamic Boarding School also has a tahfidz program which is not carried out at As-Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School.&nbsp;</p> Sirojul Anwar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 09:05:24 +0700 Implementasi Manajemen Pendidikan Berbasis Total Quality Manajemen <p><em>The implementation of Education Management at Bustanul Ulum Jayasakti Islamic Boarding School based on Total Quality Management (TQM) is an important innovative step in improving education standards in the institution. This study aims to describe and analyze how the quality assurance of Islamic boarding schools using the TQM approach has developed. This effort involves all relevant parties to achieve the vision and mission of Bustanul Ulum Jayasakti Islamic Boarding School. The research method used is a case study with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation, and their validity was checked through triangulation and increased researcher diligence. Data analysis was conducted using the Miles and Huberman interactive model. The results show that although there are efforts to improve the quality of education by implementing TQM, its implementation has not been fully equitable. The main focus is mainly on improving the curriculum, while other aspects of TQM are still less structured. The role of the leader is crucial in mobilizing and empowering the team to ensure the quality of the pesantren in accordance with TQM principles and with proper managerial skills. In addition, participation in monitoring every activity is also considered important to meet the needs of stakeholders in education, such as students, representatives or parents, as well as the surrounding community.</em></p> Wakib Kurniawan; Syarif Maulidin, Miftahur Rohman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 08:19:25 +0700 Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Mengembangkan Pendidikan Karakter Islami di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu <p>The rapid development of science and technology and communication has become an important concern for educational institutions. Education that seeks to produce the nation's next generation who are progressive and become agents of change needs to equip students with the cultivation of noble character. Islam, which exists as a teaching that prioritizes morals, will be maximized with effective and efficient management of Islamic character education. The aim of this research is to find out the strategies carried out by school principals as leaders in Islamic educational institutions in developing students' Islamic character, and how to overcome problems that occur in its implementation. The principal's strategy at SDIT Mufidatul Ilmi is to carry out his function as a manager by creating formulas and guidelines for character education and directing all stakeholders in implementing the program, as an innovator by making breakthroughs in character education that are able to integrate curricula and programs that have been prepared with the independent learning curriculum so that values Islam is maintained, as an educator, this is done by guiding teachers and students and providing role models whenever and wherever they are. The school principal establishes good communication and collaborates with parents and local government to establish cooperation and harmonious relationships to support the success of Islamic character education</p> Diningrum Citraningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 06:13:10 +0700