Cakrawala Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dan studi sosial 2023-12-26T10:41:52+07:00 Sukataman Open Journal Systems <p>Cakrawala Journal is a scientific journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Institute (IAINU) Kebumen. This journal focuses on the Islamic Education Management Study and Social Studies which is published twice a year.</p> Manajemen Tata Ruang dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pegawai di Kantor Bidang Pendidikan Madrasah Kanwil Kemenag Jatim 2023-12-26T09:42:09+07:00 Nadiyah Qothrotun Nada Atiyah Manzilatur Rohmah Zahin Rafsanjani Al Bahjah Lilik Huriyah Surya Rahmadani <p>Management is an important and necessary thing in human life. Skilled people can properly manage the organization according to the existing management arrangements. Organizations consist of a group of people who are organized and work together to achieve goals. Office layout management in public organizations plays an urgent role as a supporting element for management in achieving organizational goals. In this sense, agencies must improve their operational systems by increasing the quality of public services to create satisfaction. This research is a qualitative research. The main objective of this research is to determine the implementation of spatial management in an effort to improve employee performance in the Madrasah Education Office of the East Java Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion. Better office layout will influence employee satisfaction and increase productivity. The background is due to the arrangement of office spaces and the arrangement of office spaces which are connected by seating dividers for each individual and grouped according to the role of each individual. Office layout is the arrangement of office space, office equipment and office furniture in the correct location to support the achievement of office goals efficiently and effectively.</p> 2023-12-26T09:01:30+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Instrumentalisme Nilai-Nilai Spiritualitas, Kejujuran, dan Amanah dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan 2023-12-26T10:41:52+07:00 Jamalul Muttaqin <p>Education is the heart of civilization that must have a spirit to stay alive to develop to contribute to the advancement of Indonesian education. This article tries to examine the instrumentalism of spirituality values that are integrated with honesty and trust in the development of education in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach. Sources of data obtained from several books, journals, articles and other scientific works. Research findings illustrate that ma'rifatullah's spiritual values can be implemented in the world of education. Second, it embodies the values of honesty and trustworthiness as a pattern of educational management. This research found the development of ma'rifatullah's spiritual values, honesty, and trust as the key in developing the world of mtakahir education.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2023-12-26T08:57:38+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Aksi Transformatif Inovasi Moderasi Beragama Komunitas Difabel di Kebumen 2023-12-26T09:24:59+07:00 Agus Salim Chamidi Bahrun Ali Murtopo <p>This research is an innovative community service research based on religious moderation with the assistance of the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education, Directorate General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. The research was conducted in the disabled community at the Rumah Inklusif Kebumen (RIK). The research is motivated by the diversity of people with disabilities and their families who are still vulnerable, both due to their internal and external factors. The research aims to find out changes in their critical awareness and innovative efforts in their religious moderation. The research also aims to discuss their own changes with Pierre Bourdieu's theory of social practice. The research uses a transformative action research model that emphasizes critical awareness of the disabled community, as well as social change and their reflection. The research was conducted in August-November 2021. The results showed that (1)there was critical awareness in the disabled community in the RIK to the problem of their religious moderation, and they then succeeded in building innovative goals in translating the conception of religious moderation, (2)they succeeded in making action. in their own special container called 'lumbung genuk', (3)the 'lumbung genuk' innovation contains inclusive values ​​of togetherness, brotherhood, kinship, tolerance, and caring. In the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu's social practice, the diffable community regenerates the habitus of ‘seduluran’ and ‘brayan urip’ through the granary arena with as much savings as possible. Even with this savings and loan granary strategy, they indirectly demonstrate their entrepreneurial abilities against stigma and discrimination that often arise.</p> 2023-12-26T08:53:27+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Upaya Pembaruan (Tajdid) Fikih dari Taklid 2023-12-26T10:02:44+07:00 Mukran H. Usman Azwar Azwar Aswar Aswar <p><em>This research aims to describe the various factors behind the phenomenon of taqlid in fiqh, analyze the factors causing the impasse in fiqh in Islamic countries, and present the efforts at tajdid fiqh that have been carried out in various spheres and fields of life. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method with a normative, historical, and phenomenal approach. The research results show several things. First, the main cause of the decline of jurisprudence is the disease of Islamic faith that befalls the people. Second, there is a stalemate in jurisprudence so that the application of jurisprudence laws in various areas of life cannot be applied due to colonialism in many Islamic countries, a secular education system that eliminates Islamic religious education lessons in schools, errors in interpreting the meaning of worship, and a breakdown in communication between ulama in each Islamic country. Third, in the midst of the existence of Muslims who are declining due to the disease of taqlid, on the other hand, there are visible efforts to reform, namely in the form of the emergence of Islamic movements in various countries, the presence of various centers and research institutions of jurisprudence and law in various Islamic countries, the presence of various major projects in the field of jurisprudence in the form of the creation of the Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence, and the presence of the jurisprudence writing movement.penelitian), hasil kajian atau penelitian, dan simpulan.</em></p> 2023-12-26T08:48:23+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Supervisi Pembelajaran Kitab di Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqomah Tanjungsari Petanahan - Kebumen 2023-12-26T09:56:38+07:00 Dudayyev Dzokar Sukataman Sukataman <p>This research discusses the implementation of supervision at the Al-Istiqomah Tanjungsari Petanahan Kebumen Islamic Boarding School and determines the obstacles and solutions faced in implementing supervision at the Al-Istiqomah Tanjungsari Petanahan Islamic Boarding School, Kebumen. This research is a qualitative research type of field research, where the author collects data by conducting in-depth studies in the form of interviews with caregivers, caregiver councils, ustadz/ustadzah, as interview subjects observing the phenomena that occur and documenting the data. Then the data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods which were intended to describe factual situations. The collected data was analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of research on the implementation of supervision at the Al-Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School, Tanjungsari Petanahan, Kebumen, show that the implementation of supervision at the Al-Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School, Tanjungsari, Petanahan, Kebumen is quite good, where in implementing this supervision, a kyai as a supervisor really helps improve the teaching abilities of the ustadz/ustadzah in the process. learning so that the book learning system at the al-istiqomah Islamic boarding school runs effectively in accordance with the vision and mission.</p> 2023-12-26T08:44:42+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Religius Peserta Didik Melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler ROHIS di SMP Negeri 5 Purworejo 2023-12-26T08:40:55+07:00 Siti Saudah <p>This research aims to describe the Rohis extracurricular activity program in improving students' character education, efforts to foster students' religious character through Rohis extracurricular activities, supporting and inhibiting factors for Rohis activities in developing students' character education at SMP Negeri 5 Purworejo. This research uses a qualitative approach with analytical descriptive methods. The research subjects were school heads, teachers, employees and students. Data collection techniques in this research used interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that Spiritual Extracurricular Activities at SMP Negeri 5 Purworejo are proven to be able to strengthen students' religious character education by implementing activity programs: (1) Cultivating 5S (Greetings, Smiles, Greetings, Politeness, Manners); (2) Clean Friday; (3) Commemoration of Islamic Holidays (PHBI); (4) BTQ (Reading and Writing the Qur'an); (5) Religious Bands, Hadroh, Marawis and Nasyid; (6) Spiritual Tourism &amp; Natural Tadabur; (7) Duha and Dzhur prayers in school; and (8) Filling the wall with Islamic themes. After spiritual activities are held, students have an awareness of good character which can be proven by carrying out activities with religious nuances such as reading the Qur’an, imtaq guidance, and midday midday prayers in congregation, being able to implement an attitude of tolerance between religions and so on.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> 2023-12-26T08:40:54+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##