KAWRUH: Jurnal Kajian Syariah, Ushuluddin, dan Dakwah https://ejournal.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/KAWRUH <p>Merupakan Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Syari'ah, Ushuluddin dan Dakwah pada Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (IAINU) Kebumen. Jurnal ini berfokus pada Kajian Syari'ah (isu-isu baru terkait dengan peningkatan tantangan syariah dan hukum); Ushuluddin (Ilmu Alquran, Hadis dan Tafsir); Dakwah (Komunikasi, Kajian Media, isu-isu Dakwah) serta kajian lain yang relevan.<br>Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun (Juni dan Desember).</p> IAINU Kebumen en-US KAWRUH: Jurnal Kajian Syariah, Ushuluddin, dan Dakwah PESAN DAKWAH PADA AKUN INSTAGRAM @angger_sy https://ejournal.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/KAWRUH/article/view/1957 <p>Da'wah is the process of conveying, calling or inviting others to come back to<br>embrace, study and practice the teachings of the Islamic religion so as to restore one's fitri.<br>The belief and belief that only Allah and no one else must be worshiped is the most important<br>essence. In increasingly rapid development, preachers have various means to preach with a<br>wider reach, namely by utilizing social media. One social media that can be utilized is<br>Instagram social media. Angger Syafela Putra is one of the preachers who also uses&nbsp;Instagram social media as a means of preaching. Researchers analyzed the content of the<br>@angger_sy account which was posted from 6 August 2023 to 1 October 2023. The results of<br>the research showed that the da'wah messages in the content in that period of time coherently<br>discussed the unconsciousness of people in relationships, something that is haram will still be<br>haram before Allah even though the whole world normalizes it, love is never wrong, the law<br>is about being close friends with the opposite sex, dating is detrimental to women, the opinion<br>that dating without sexual intercourse is not called zina, dating is a play, and people who are<br>dating are difficult to advise. Thus, this post has a target audience for da'wah, namely young<br>people.</p> Vita Dwi Kartika Noor Laelatul Khasanah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 2 1 1 7 PESAN DAKWAH DALAM TRADISI RUWAT DADUNG https://ejournal.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/KAWRUH/article/view/1958 <p><em>Among Javanese people who uphold the tradition of ruwatan, when they experience calamity, they believe that it is caused by sukerto or bad luck that they receive. The purpose of writing this article is to examine the Da'wah Messages in the Ruwat dadung tradition. When viewed from a da'wah perspective, the relationship between religion and local culture can be explained in the context that local culture provides guidance in the da'wah process so that it can be carried out wisely, accordingly, and relevant to the community. The writing of this article uses descriptive qualitative methods. The da'wah messages contained in Javanese culture in the Ruwat dadung tradition include the value of friendship, gratitude, togetherness or harmony, equality, sincerity, mutual cooperation and helping.</em></p> Restu Andi Saputro Syifa Hamama Febriany Febriany ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 2 1 8 22 PENERAPAN PROPHETIC JOURNALISM DALAM LIPUTAN TRAGEDI KANJURUHAN OLEH MEDIA ONLINE TEMPO.CO DAN RMOL.ID https://ejournal.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/KAWRUH/article/view/1961 <p><em>The Kanjuruhan tragedy was a violent incident at a football stadium in Malang on October 1, 2022, which left 135 people dead. The incident attracted international attention and was covered by various media, including Tempo.co and RMOL.id. The purpose of this study is to understand how the two media packaged news about the Kanjuruhan tragedy on October 1-6, 2022 and to what extent they applied the principles of prophetic journalism. This research uses a qualitative approach with the framing model of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. The results showed differences in the framing approach between Tempo.co and RMOL.id in October 2022. Tempo.co tended to choose a variety of sources, including football supporters, security forces, the organizing committee, and the local government. On the other hand, RMOL.id focused more on responses from parties not involved in the event. Although both have applied journalistic principles in general, Tempo.co tends to be more balanced and applies more prophetic journalism principles in its coverage.</em></p> Fenika Yulianti Rose Kusumaning Ratri Febriany Febriany ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 2 1 23 38 HUBUNGAN ANTARA PERILAKU ISRAF DENGAN FENOMENA MUKBANG https://ejournal.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/KAWRUH/article/view/1965 <p><em>This article aims to understand the concept of israf according to Al-Qurthubi and how it relates to mukbang behavior. In writing this article, the author &nbsp;using the maudu'i (thematic) tafsir method with a library research approach in the type of qualitative research. approach (library research) in the type of qualitative research. The collection of data is done through the collection of books and books of tafsir that are relevant to israf. with israf. The results showed that israf is an excessive behavior in fulfilling needs, especially in the context of the excessive behavior in fulfilling needs, especially in the context of food, which is explained in QS. explained in QS. Al-A'raf verse 31, where Allah forbids all forms of excess in food and drink. excess in food and drink. This concept is reinforced by the Prophet's hadith which regulates the division of meal portions into one-third for food, one-third for drinks, and one-third for breathing, for drinks, and one-third for breathing. The mukbang trend, although initially had no negative connotations, has now become a behavior that does more harm than good, harmful than beneficial. While there is no direct prohibition against mukbang in Islam, however, excessive &nbsp;mukbang behavior is considered to be incompatible with Islamic teachings as it is a form of israf. in accordance with Islamic teachings as it is a form of israf.</em></p> Kurniasari Pangesti Wahyuni Shifatur Rohmah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 2 1 39 46 FENOMENA TABARRUJ DALAM MEDIA SOSIAL https://ejournal.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/KAWRUH/article/view/1966 <p><em>The aim of writing this article is to understand the concept of tabarruj according to M. Quraish Shihab, to observe the phenomenon of tabarruj in the current context, and to relate it to his view of the concept in the Qur'an. The research method used is a literature study, with a qualitative approach and thematic interpretation method. Data is obtained from various written sources, with Tafsir Al-Mishbah as the main reference due to its relevance to the research topic. Secondary data sources include the works of M. Quraish Shihab, articles, journals, and related theses. The results show that tabarruj in M. Quraish Shihab's view includes the display of jewelry that should not be done by women of good character, or the use of inappropriate clothing. The prohibition against tabarruj is included in the teachings of the Qur'an, as mentioned in Surah Al-Ahzab verse 33. The phenomenon of using social media is also connected to the concept of tabarruj, where many people use this platform to show off their beauty and jewelry in the hope of getting compliments.</em></p> Siti Sangadah Nuraini Habibah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 2 1 47 63 STRATEGI DAKWAH PENYULUH UNTUK MENGURANGI PERSENTASE PERCERAIAN https://ejournal.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/KAWRUH/article/view/1971 <p><em>The significant decrease in the divorce rate in Klirong Sub-district in 2022 is the main background of this paper. The significant role of Islamic religious instructors in providing guidance to the community has influenced this decline. This paper aims to understand the Islamic Religious Counselor's proselytization strategy implementation in reducing the divorce rate in Klirong District. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The main informant is the Islamic Religious Counselor who specializes in the Sakinah Family field at the Klirong District Religious Affairs Office. The results show that the strategies used by Islamic Religious Counselors include premarital guidance, utilization of majelis ta'lim, and family counseling. Supporting factors include support from the government, advances in information technology, and support from spouses. However, there are also inhibiting factors such as time constraints, low attendance rates, lack of awareness, and the large number of young couples who migrate.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords </em></strong><em>: Counselors, Da'wah, Religious Affairs Offices (KUA), Divorce, Islam</em></p> Salasatun khasanah Syifa Hamama ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 2 1 64 72 ANALISIS YURIDIS PERTIMBANGAN HAKIM PUTUSAN NO.1055/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Kbm DALAM PENOLAKAN GUGATAN REKONVENSI https://ejournal.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/KAWRUH/article/view/1818 <p><em>Divorce is something that is permissible in religion but is hated by Allah SWT. This also happened in divorce cases registered in the divorce case register at the Kebumen Religious Court with register number No.1055/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Kbm. which became a factor causing the divorce due to the jealous nature of the Defendant and the Defendant were considered nuzuz because they left the house to live together, however, in the Respondent's answer, it was denied and the Respondent requested a Reconvention lawsuit to ask for their rights, both living expenses, land certificates, mortgaged cars and also the respondent's motorcycle. The research objectives are: (1) To find out the basis for the judge's legal considerations in deciding the counterclaim in decision No.1055/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Kbm ? (2) To provide knowledge related to how the judge's legal considerations in rejecting the Counterclaim in decision No.1055/Pdt.G/2021/PA.</em> <em>Kbm from the perspective of Civil Procedure Law? This study uses the Normative Juridical law research method, with a doctrinal legal approach conceptualized in legislation as a basis for solving problems.</em> <em>From the results of this study it can be seen that the legal considerations of judges in deciding divorce cases on the grounds of disputes and also related to requests for alimony and goods chosen by the Respondent/Reconvention Plaintiffs which in the trial and legal considerations of decisions were partially rejected by the panel of judges based on counterclaims what is unclear is based on documents and copies of decisions as well as legal considerations listed and contained in the rulings of the Kebumen Religious Court.</em></p> Novita Pratama Sari Abdul Waid Muhammad Achid Nurseha ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 2 1 73 86