• Vita Dwi Kartika IAINU Kebumen
  • Noor Laelatul Khasanah IAINU Kebumen
Keywords: da'wah, Instagram, dating.


Da'wah is the process of conveying, calling or inviting others to come back to
embrace, study and practice the teachings of the Islamic religion so as to restore one's fitri.
The belief and belief that only Allah and no one else must be worshiped is the most important
essence. In increasingly rapid development, preachers have various means to preach with a
wider reach, namely by utilizing social media. One social media that can be utilized is
Instagram social media. Angger Syafela Putra is one of the preachers who also uses Instagram social media as a means of preaching. Researchers analyzed the content of the
@angger_sy account which was posted from 6 August 2023 to 1 October 2023. The results of
the research showed that the da'wah messages in the content in that period of time coherently
discussed the unconsciousness of people in relationships, something that is haram will still be
haram before Allah even though the whole world normalizes it, love is never wrong, the law
is about being close friends with the opposite sex, dating is detrimental to women, the opinion
that dating without sexual intercourse is not called zina, dating is a play, and people who are
dating are difficult to advise. Thus, this post has a target audience for da'wah, namely young

How to Cite
Kartika, V., & Khasanah, N. (2024). PESAN DAKWAH PADA AKUN INSTAGRAM @angger_sy. KAWRUH: Jurnal Kajian Syariah, Ushuluddin, Dan Dakwah, 2(1), 1-7. Retrieved from