Problematika dan Solusi Manajemen Pembelajaran PAI di Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam
This paper is motivated by problems in the management of PAI learning at PTKI
which find problems from various aspects of the curriculum, lecturers, and learning
process to student input that do not meet the minimum standards. This then requires a
solution so that the objectives of PAI learning at PTKI can be achieved. The research
method used in this study is a qualitative method with a library approach.
The results in this study to become a solution for the problems faced by lecturers at
PTKI are that lecturers must master plan fullness, provide intrinsic motivation, be able
to carry out internalized evaluations, openness to experience, be flexible in learning,
loyal, and have autonomy in determining learning forms. All of this will be successful if
it is supported by a curriculum that is anticipatory and adaptive to changing times and
makes students want to apply what they have learned and increase the desire for
independent learning